Friday, January 02, 2009

My Trip

Monica totally called me out on this. None of my posts have anything to do with where I've been this week. That's because it's been so busy I've been posting pieces written before I left.

Christmas we went to my Uncle Timmy's for brunch. I dropped Renee and Ben at LGA that night, went home, cleaned a bit, watched the Life of Brian Blu-Ray Monica gave me, recorded with the talk box Renee gave me and went to bed.

The next day I packed, met with Tim a bit (he's watching the cats while we're gone) and took off at 4:30. Charlie couldn't make it, Trafton couldn't make it, Tim couldn't make it so I did the 850 mile drive alone. That playlist was essential.

The drive was strangely uneventful. No one was home when I called so the long conversations on the drive didn't happen. But I didn't feel isolated or bored. I drove for eight hours then pulled into a motel 20 miles from Cleveland.

the next morning

The next day I had a little time so I stopped by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. It was strangely underwhelming the second time. I remembered all the really cool stuff from five years ago and noticed a few things missing (Robbie Robertson's strat, George Harrison's SG). Even the Wetlands van with my stickers was gone! I also walked into the most ignorant conversation I've hever heard ("Ron Wood was the Rolling Stones's first drummer. He's dead now. Sam and Dave are a folk act. They're still together".) They'll let anyone in these days.

Got to Chicago and crashed. The next day we had Christmas at Renee's dad's. Once you're a father, you're on the road crew of Christmas. There's a big spectacle going on, but you're in the rafters making it work.

Since then, it's been travelling to Renee's mom and staying at Jill's for New Year's (champagne, oven pizza and Goodfellas). And I've finally got a moment to write this. Now if I can get a moment to write those other ten things I promised I'd finish.

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