My sister Monica and my brother-in-law Bob finally came to see me perform at "The World" last night. Renee also brought her brother Richie and his friends. They saw a great show. I went on last and they were as awake and supportive as they were for the first comic. Whenever someone I know sees me, I worry about having a good set. If I don't do well I feel like telling them afterwards, "I know I told you I did stand-up. Evidently, I don't. Thank you for visiting my sham of a life."
But I did really well. They hung around for the second show so I did an entirely different set. They were lucky to stick around because Jim Gaffigan walked up and five minutes before me. He's been known to pop up now and then but in my hundred shows at "The World" I'd never seen him. He killed with new Thanksgiving material and took off right after.
We stopped off for empanadas on 9th Avenue (Mark, the service has VASTLY improved there) and as we were walking to Monica's car, they closed down 10th Avenue. The floats for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade were being trucked uptown so we got to see the entire parade in ten minutes.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Congrats on the good set man. 90% of the game is just showing up, and you keep doing that. Think of all the other aspiring comedians that have already quit or didn't have the balls to tough out the low points.
You're a funny bastard. You'll make it
Also, nice photos. Thats a great chance meeting that can only happen in New York City - the greatest city in the world.
PS - I'm feeling good after my second glass of Don Perignon. : P
*sniff sniff* I miss NYC so much!
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