It looks like a map of Iraq at the moment but doctors assure me it is a baby. It's coming in July (right after the other blockbusters) and I'm spending a lot of time mentally preparing. Those of you who thought I've been acting strange the last six weeks, here's your answer.
The coming of Fetuso is upon us!
Get out!!!
I'm sure Renee will be screaming that shortly.
Congratulations, you two. The child will have a great home.
-- Fake Uncle Bill
Holy moly....the Kid of Kid Clarke
Look carefully...are you sure this isn't just a close-up of the batter Renee is using to make those famous cookies for me? Congratulations! This post definitely came out of left field.
Whoah. Congratulations you old so and so!
Yup! The heir to the vast comic book collection and all the little plastic people is coming!
I know i don't want this stuff.... :)
Thank you for sharing in our excitment!!!
Congratulations to you both!! Renee, Jon won't give up his toys that easily.
Congratulations!! I hope the families are excited, and Renee you're feeling great! Did anyone mention to Jon yet that Babies + Small Plastic Toys don't mix well? Can't wait to see updates as July zips around the corner....
We are so excited for you both!!!!!! The NC Clarkes are visiting the Kansas Clarkes for the holiday and so we got to read the news together!!!!
Congratulations - this is great news! Just think, next year you'll have someone ELSE to help you work the Times Square location!
(Although at first he/she will probably only be able to carry about 50 flyers, you should be able to load up the little one with a backpack within 8 months!)
Congrats, Jon! I found this site by mistake a couple of weeks and I am glad that you are doing what you always wanted to do. Good Luck!
Awesome, and then some! Congratulations. As the lovely mom to be said, now there will be an heir to your Comic Con memorabilia. Will the young 'un be registered at Midtown Comics or Forbidden Planet?
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